Sunday, November 27, 2005


Hi. So, I'm here again. Hilariously inebriated. On a Sunday at 8 PM. Is it weird that I still try to spell-check when I'm half drunk? Ephasis on *try*.

My friend and I just went for Mexican food in the Mission. I am still giddy that I live here again and can write sentences like, "I just went for Mexican food in the Mission" and not be lying. You see, up until recently, I lived in COLORADO. Where there are many white people, but very little culture. And when I am slightly inebriated, on a Sunday evening, I feel very righteous that I do not live there anymore. Ha ha, Colorado, I ate for less than $10 with a Strong Maragarita included. I may be embarrassed by this post tomorrow, but this fact will remain true! I pay more in rent, but look at all the Culture! It is glooorious!


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Dude, Weird.

So, I'm home for the holidays, feeling nostaligic, and go to read my blog, which I never update anymore because grad school is insane and my life is insane. And my counter says some 800 people have looked at this blog. WOAH. Who are you people? Do you stay long?

I think one time I put my info on a blog directory, but I don't remember much about it. Do any of you check back? Weird. Weird weird weird. I guess I assumed that this all existed in a vaccuum, which, likely, most of the time it does.

Hmm. Well, happy Thanksgiving, random person that might read this. Maybe I'll update again soon. I hope so. I like blogging... but these days, research papers on Reactive Attachment Disorder like me more.
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