Wednesday, November 10, 2004

It's My Fault, Though

I'm sick. Nasty cold. But it's my fault that I'm coming up on 5 days of hacking up terrible things. I'm overworked, very busy with school, and being overly social. Worth it, though. My painting class is starting to bring me real joy. I'm finally letting go of all the self-critiquing and starting to just sit back and breathe in the fumes (figuratively, mostly). I leave class energetic and brimming with ideas. May post later re: this girl in my class -- she's a trip -- but for now let's just leave it at that. Art = good.

Lots of bar time. Bar time not good with cold medicine. Ugh.

Drinking is probably not the best way to dull election result depression. Going to see Le Tigre, however, is. It was one of the best live shows I've ever seen. Go, lone reader, please, if they come anywhere near where you live. If you are rich, fly to go see them. And bring me with. It was spastic and beautiful and I danced forever in these ridiculously uncomfortable boots and didn't notice a thing.

Other good concert recently: TV on the Radio opening up for The Faint. Can't say enough good things about TVONTR. So much so that I would happily give up the "I'm cooler than you because I know about this band and you don't" status (I'm kidding. I'm 26 and am currently staying with my mother. I don't get that status anymore) to promote them.

O.k. You are probably very cool and already knew about them. You may very well already be over them. But their lyrics still kick ass.


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